Matt was such a sweet gentleman. When we began dating and throughout our marriage, we always held hands and he would bring me randomly picked roses. If he was on a job site and thought about me he would boldly clip, just a couple roses, and sneak them home to me. He also would visit his sister Barbara from time to time and steal her roses too, even after he gave himself up when she noticed her roses had too many bare spots. Matt had such a soft heart, that while we were living in a very small town and trying to make a living, he would often get called upon to hang a door or install an oven for the little old ladies in town. We nearly went under due to his reluctance to charge them, always coming home with a pie, kolaches, or a six pack of Shiner Bock. He was such a thoughtful man. At Christmas time when we would be rushing through gathering last minute items, he was the one who had the best gift ideas based on practicality and character. His eyes always made me smile. He just always had a sparkle in his eye and was always up to something.... and that big ole grin of his would just light brighten up the worst day, he rarely worried or fussed over anything. He was very laid back and easy going which balanced my high strung nature. His momma raised him right. Not many men would get up well before dawn to drive 40 minutes away to attend mass with their mother, or just to show up at her door to have coffee and visit knowing she keeps the same sleep schedule. Mattie was very close with his family, even those that lived a good distance away. His favorite thing was Skype! He loved catching his siblings up at 4 or 5am to Skype. Many a morning I would wake to his laughter and look over wondering "who else was in our room at that hour," only to see his siblings laughing faces. He loved his family so very much, and they him. He will be sorely missed at all the gatherings, but as he said before he left, "I'll be at every get-together, I'll be standing over by the pie"!
Took this at Rachel & Dustins wedding. We look so old all dressed up.